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In some small way, we honor dan and his life by traveling to where he can no longer be and meeting friends he can no longer thank.

About Us, simply here for Dan

Us in LEGO bricks

Our reasons for establishing this tribute website are simple: We want to represent Dan wherever we go and we want to do what he unfortunately can no longer do. His last 10 years on this earth were driven with one goal and responsibility: and its now more than a million users -- LEGO buyers and sellers -- who rely on it for their hobbies, their recreation, and many for their very livelihoods.

It was a heavy burden -- a happy one to be sure -- but a huge obligation and responsibility for Dan. He shouldered it all alone. One of the biggest surprises people have is that one man was responsible for all that was for a decade, from June 19, 2000 to September 24, 2010. To say he ate, slept and lived BrickLink would be an understatement. It was his life, until the end.

Eliska Jezkova (Dan's mom) and I (Larry Hawthorne, Dan's stepdad) carried on after him for nearly three years. Eliska was devoted to continuing Dan's dream and protecting what he worked so hard to establish. It wasn't always easy. Unlike Dan, we needed help from outside consultants, part-time IT, and a team of volunteer administrators who were critical in helping us keep the lights on. Most on BrickLink did not even know Dan's name, but everyone knew who "Admin" was. After his passing, the Admin position was filled by more than one person, a feat that Dan was able to accomplish all by himself.

Like Dan, our days were filled with managing BrickLink. We had little time for anything else. As BrickLink continued to grow it was apparent new resources were needed. Eventually, after nearly three years, we more than doubled the size and scope of the website and then handed over BrickLink to Jay Kim with heavy stipulation and understanding of where BrickLink had been and where it would be going.

Jay and Marvin Park and his team expanded and raised BrickLink to a higher level, just as we had hoped. Development and implementation of software and the AFOL Designer Program are just a couple examples of how far the BrickLink website has grown and flourished. In fact, the value of this AFOL-dedicated website has led to LEGO Group itself acquiring BrickLink, early in 2020. It is hard to imagine that BriickLink, now in its silver anniversary year, could draw a more emblematic compliment than that.

We are thrilled with that outcome. We worked too hard to not see BrickLink succeed beyond our time running the website. Preserved today is still the world's largest LEGO online marketplace and we are both proud of that fact, and eternally grateful to those who helped us reach that goal.

What we do have now is time. And we are filling it with travels to spread the word about BrickLink and to pay tribute to the memory of Dan and his life and his life's dream, BrickLink. This website is about that, pure and simple.


Eliska and Larry at Brickrepublic
One of our visits was to this wonderful expansive private exhibit of hundreds of MOCs in, of all places, Prague. It's called Brickrepublic.

Link to Youtube interview Eliska Jezkova interview link
While attending Brickvention 2019, Melbourne, Australia, Eliska was interviewed by Josh Hanlon, with Beyond the Brick. Click here to see her tell the story of Dan and the creation of

graphic of badges




Badges, lanyards, ID cards and the like are a lasting and treasured remembrance of our journeys.



Admin walking in Prague

larry and eliska

     Eliska Jezkova and Larry Hawthorne

Over the past decade we've traveled the world keeping Dan's memory and legacy alive. We've been impressed by those who've come up to us and expressed personal, heart-felt gratitude for what Dan and BrickLink have meant to them in their lives. We've become continuing sponsors of BrickWorld (Chicago) and Brickvention, Melbourne, Australia. We take great pleasure in participating in the various charitable fund-raisers to help children through a number of organizations, including LEGO. Learn more about places we've visited here: LEGACY VISITS

Floating artOur recent "legacy visits" as we call them include Brickvention in Melbourne, Australia; Billund, Denmark to visit LEGO Group headquarters and BrickWorld Chicago.

Also, one of our outside interests for many years has been the production and marketing of a travel guide covering Munich. The Beer Drinker's Guide to Munich is now in its 7th edition and offers a field manual to those traveling to Munich who want to learn more about the city and its beer. It's now available on our other secure website:



Eliska and Larry at the new BrickLink Irvine Office 2019

We visited the new greatly expanded BrickLink offices in Irvine, California. The expansion includes a huge warehouse to house the storage, assembly and distribution channels for the BrickLink AFOL Designer Program and the more than a dozen sets being marketed. It was a fitting example of the old and the new BrickLink, melded together to raise it to the next higher level.


The story of BrickLink

Welcomiong remarks at start of Brickvention 2018We were honored to help kick off Brickvention 2019 as guest speakers. Eliska and I told the story of BrickLink and how Dan Jezek's failed job search provided the spark needed to launch the world's most successful online LEGO marketplace.

(Click for re-recorded speech (MP3) and transcript (PDF))

We also participated in the 20th anniversary celebration of BrickLink in 2020 and a 2022 podcast called BricksNBits that talked about the history of BrickLink. Here are links to those events:

Click here for Eliska's message for the BrickLink 20th anniversary. It traces Dan's work on BrickLink from the place where it all began . . .

Click here for the Podcast BricksNBits that talks about the decision by The LEGO Group to adopt BrickLink's LEGO design software as the new industry standard.

Magnified LEGO bricks


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